The word bungalow derived from the Hindi word "bangla", meaning "belonging to Bengal", was used to describe detached cottages built for early European settlers in India. They gained an association with a healthy outdoor lifestyle amongst members of the Raj, many of whom returned to the UK, extolling their charms. Bungalows have been popular in Britain for over a century. The first development including houses sold as "bungalows" in the UK opened in Westgate, on the north coast of Kent in 1869. The following year, a bigger project started at nearby Birchington. These were very spacious with their own servants’ quarters and were sold as getaways for wealthy Londoners. The number of new built bungalows has decreased significantly in the past ten years. The decline in the number of bungalows being built has more to do with supply than demand. For developers there is more money in building flats than bungalows. According to Peter Andrew, deputy chairman of the Home Builders’ Federation, “A bungalow has a greater footprint for the same amount of square footage as a house because they are on one level instead of two.” In other words there is more money in building upwards than outwards and if the trend continues, it is predicted that the very last bungalows could be built in 2020. With the UK's population ageing, demand for single-storey homes is likely to grow. If you need any advice on buying or selling property please feel free to get in touch with us on 01274 731217.